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All About AMOE in Sweepstakes

AMOE, or alternative method of entry, offers people another way to enter a sweepstakes to keep the promotion compliant with regulations. Learn all about what it is and why you might need one!

October 09, 2024

All About AMOE in Sweepstakes

If you’ve dipped your toe into the world of promotions, you’ve likely come across the acronym AMOE. But what is an AMOE? AMOE stands for “alternative method of entry,” and it’s used in sweepstakes or other games of chance to offer more than one way for people to enter the promotion.

When running a chance-to-win promotion, it’s important to set clear methods of entry that are compliant with legal regulations. Let’s learn more about an AMOE, when and why you need it, and how it relates to your overall consumer promotions strategy.

What exactly is an AMOE?

An AMOE, or alternative method of entry, allows individuals to enter a sweepstakes without having to make a purchase or complete any other requirement that would be costly to the entrant in some way. This is crucial in keeping your promotion compliant with sweepstakes laws, which are in place to prevent any promotion from becoming an illegal lottery (learn more about the difference between sweepstakes and lotteries here!).

When planning a sweepstakes, you might want your entry methods to involve a purchase or other transactional action in order to help boost sales for your brand. However, requiring someone to purchase something for a chance to win can cross legal boundaries, turning your sweepstakes into a lottery—which is illegal unless properly regulated. Here, an AMOE comes to the rescue! It offers an alternative, non-purchase method for participants to enter the sweepstakes, ensuring everyone has an equal shot, regardless of their financial situation.

When do you need an AMOE?

You need an AMOE when your promotion has any purchase-based or consideration-based entry. “Consideration” refers to anything of value that a participant must give up to enter the promotion—for example, money when making a purchase, or a significant amount of time.

If your sweepstakes asks participants to buy a product, subscribe to a service, or take any action that might be seen as placing a burden on them, you must provide an alternative method of entry that doesn’t involve these steps. For example, if your sweepstakes requires someone to buy your product for a chance to win, an AMOE might involve submitting an entry form online or by mail as an alternative.

Why is an AMOE important?

Including an AMOE isn’t just good practice—it’s often a legal necessity. Sweepstakes laws are in place to prevent gambling and ensure fairness, which is why lotteries are highly regulated. To avoid legal trouble, your sweepstakes must not meet the three elements of a lottery, which are prize, chance, and consideration.

By offering an AMOE, you eliminate the “consideration” part of that equation, keeping your promotion in the sweepstakes category—as opposed to a lottery. The AMOE levels the playing field for participants who are either unable or unwilling to meet the original entry requirements, whether that’s making a purchase or completing a specific action. As an added bonus, an AMOE can encourage broader participation, improving your sweepstakes’ overall reach and your brand engagement and awareness.

What are common ways to satisfy an AMOE?

AMOEs come in many shapes and sizes, and the right method for your brand will depend on your promotion goals, configurations, and audience. These are a few common approaches to AMOE:

Mail-In Entry

This traditional method allows participants to submit through entry through the mail, often by filling out some kind of form or postcard. Though it might feel a little old-school, mail-in entries are still a popular option for AMOEs, especially for promotions with a buy-to-enter model.

Online Entry Forms

Many brands offer an online form as their AMOE, which allows entrants to provide basic information (for example, their name, address, and email) without having to make a purchase. This method is especially convenient and cost-effective for both brands and participants.

Social Media Entry

In the digital age, brands sometimes opt for social media-based AMOE options. For example, brands might allow participants to submit their entry by following the brand’s social media accounts or sharing a post.

Phone or SMS Entries

Another method is offering participants the chance to enter via phone or SMS. This is typically a quick process and accessible to entrants who might not want to mail in a physical form.

Your Sweepstakes AMOE with Breaktime Media

Including an AMOE in your sweepstakes helps your brand stay compliant with sweepstakes laws and ensure fairness for all participants. By providing an alternative method of entry, you’ll set your promotion up for success by keeping it inclusive and legal while maximizing reach and engagement.

At the end of the day, sweepstakes and AMOE regulations might seem like a lot to handle, but that’s where Breaktime Media comes in. As experts in consumer promotions, our Breaktime team has the experience and know-how to not only help you craft an engaging, attention-grabbing sweepstakes, but also ensure that every entry method, including your AMOE, is legally compliant. Let us handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters most—building brand loyalty, driving engagement, and keeping shoppers happy.

Reach out to us today and let’s chat about how we can work together to make sure your next promotion is smooth, compliant, and a total win for your brand!