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Intern Spotlight - Elissa Gralewski

Curious to know more about Breaktime Media and our amazing team of talented individuals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Intern Spotlight on Elissa Gralewski, our Client Service Intern.

October 10, 2024

Get to Know Elissa Gralewski

As the Client Service Intern, Elissa helps the client service team communicate client needs and expectations to the entire organization. This experience has also provided her with a deeper understanding of how Breaktime, and companies like Breaktime, function internally when developing campaigns from start to finish.

To learn more about Elissa, read her interview below!

My favorite part about working as an intern at Breaktime Media is...

The cohesion amongst teams and the supportive, encouraging atmosphere. This environment fosters collaboration and creates a positive workplace culture that's truly inspiring.

The most valuable things I learned during my internship are...

Time management and being self-sufficient while eagerly tackling new tasks. These skills have not only improved my productivity but also boosted my confidence in a professional setting.

I love working with the client service team because...

We constantly surprise ourselves by proving that anything is possible. Our "can do" mindset allows us to lean on each other and innovate, creating a dynamic and exciting work environment.

A new hobby I've picked up is...

Pilates! After recently graduating college, my lifelong passion for dance has been changing directions, so pilates has been an amazing transition into my new physical health journey.

If I could move anywhere in the world, it would be...

New York City. I love how lively the city is, and the opportunities to explore are endless.

The best restaurant I've ever been to was...

Michelle's Restaurant, which my grandfather opened as an expansion to Sweetheart Bakery, established in 1963. While the restaurant is no longer in business, the bakery continues to thrive today making both culinary favorites and is a cherished part of my family history.

I love Breaktime Media because...

Every day at Breaktime Media is an opportunity to innovate and grow, not just our product, but ourselves as individuals. I'm grateful to be part of a team that supports each other and is committed to creating exceptional experiences for consumers.

Want to learn more about the rest of the team at Breaktime Media? Read more spotlights here!