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Employee Spotlight - Chris O'Grady

Curious to know more about Breaktime Media and our amazing team of talented individuals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Employee Spotlight on Chris O'Grady, our EVP of Sales & Partnerships.

September 23, 2024

Get to Know Chris O'Grady

As the EVP of Sales & Partnerships, Chris leads our sales team and focuses on driving revenue for Breaktime, while working with clients to understand their needs and build solutions that will market their products effectively.

To learn more about Chris, read his interview below!

My favorite part about my role at Breaktime Media is...

The people it has given me access to. From clients across the country to colleagues next door, I've made incredible friendships, mentorships, and connections that make work feel less like work.

If I could describe the team in one word, it would be...

I'm going to cheat and give two — kind and collaborative. You would be happy to introduce your parents to any person at Breaktime. Everyone is welcoming, curious, and genuinely nice. If you ask our clients, we're always collaborating to find solutions for business problems, and we work incredibly well cross-departmentally to make sure our output meets or exceeds expectations every single time.

I love working with different CPGs because...

I use their products. Being a consumer, shopper, and buyer of products that we help take to market makes it so relevant. When we're thinking about how to position it, what to include in an experience, and what the key calls to action are, it's interesting to take a step back and say "Would I do this? How would I react to this messaging? Does this resonate with me?" I love the space because you're always in it, whether you're working, shopping, or going about your everyday life.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be...

A clown. I remember my mom saving an article I clipped out of the newspaper about clown college from when I was maybe four or five years old. I was named class clown in high school so maybe I fulfilled my childhood dream a bit!

If I could live in any decade, it would be...

The ‘90s! I was a ’90s kid and some of my fondest memories are coming home from school, hopping on my bike, going nowhere with my friends, and just having to be home before dinner. Nowadays, having cell phones attached at the hip can take away from being in the moment as much as we used to be. I miss that and have started putting away my phone from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. so that my family (kids, dogs, and wife) have my undivided attention. It's been a great change.

If I could meet anyone, dead or alive, it would be...

Pino Lella from the book Beneath a Scarlet Sky. The book is a “fictionalized true story” in which Pino is the main character. I just want to ask him what was real in the book and what wasn't. It was something I could not put down and believe. I think he'd make for an incredible conversation.

I love Breaktime Media because...

Of our awesome people, innovative culture, and kick @$$ product. We have fun, we work hard, and we learn together. Breaktime rocks!

Want to learn more about the rest of the team at Breaktime Media? Read more employee spotlights here!