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Sick Season: 2024 Cold and Flu Infographic

We surveyed shoppers to find out about their cold and flu season habits – from where they purchase their over-the-counter (OTC) medicine to when they start stocking up on cold and flu supplies. Check out the results!

September 12, 2024

In our latest shopper survey on cold and flu season, we surveyed shoppers about their habits during sick season, asking about everything from where shoppers purchase their over-the-counter (OTC) medicine to when they start stocking up on their cold and flu supplies. Let’s dive into these 2024 shopper insights for cold and flu!

The Cold, Hard Facts: Cold and Flu Season Shopper Insights

It’s that time of year—when everyone’s bracing for the sniffles! Wondering about the first thing most shoppers do when they feel the onset of a cold or flu? A whopping 40% of respondents say their go-to is OTC medication. Gotta nip those symptoms in the bud! But OTC medicine isn’t for everyone; 13% of shoppers report trying home remedies as their first course of action (bring on the soup and steam!).

Now, what about prevention? After all, it’s better to avoid getting sick in the first place! Shoppers use a variety of anti-sickness strategies, with the majority (28%) opting for a flu shot to prevent their household from getting sick. They also disinfect surfaces in the house (24%) and take an immunity-booster or preventative medicine (14%). Make sure to check out the infographic below to see what other habits they practice!

Medicinal Must-Haves: Shopper Preferences on Cold and Flu Medicine

There’s lots to consider when choosing medicine to fight a cold or the flu. The main factor that influences shoppers’ choice of cold and flu medicine is their own previous personal experience (21%)—if it worked before, they’re sticking with it. Symptom relief claims are a close second (20%), followed by ingredients, price, and brand reputation.

And in the eternal debate over the best form of medicine, tablets and capsules take the crown, with 58% of shoppers reporting it as their preference.

When someone in their household is sick, most shoppers don’t go overboard on remedies. 55% of shoppers buy two OTC solutions, followed by 27% who only use one!

Cough and Cost: Shopping Habits for Cold and Flu Season in 2024

During cold and flu season, what do shoppers' spending habits look like? When shopping for their cold and flu medicine, a majority of shoppers head to either Walmart (31%) or the pharmacy/drug store (31%) in search of what they need. But when are they heading out? 52% of shoppers are playing it safe and buying their cold and flu medicine in advance to have on hand when illness strikes. But 23% of shoppers wait until they feel like they might be getting sick, and 20% hold off until they feel very sick!

What about cold and flu supplies, like hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies? 43% of shoppers say they stock up on these supplies well in advance. It’s good to be prepared! On the other hand, 39% of shoppers typically just purchase these products as needed.

Prepare for Cold and Flu Season with Breaktime Media

For more insights and tips for engaging shoppers as they prepare for the upcoming cold and flu season, check out the full infographic below!

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