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Healthy Habits: Healthy Eating Infographic

We surveyed shoppers to find out about their healthy eating habits – from what they spend on grocery shopping to their motivations for eating better. Check out the results!

August 15, 2024

In our latest shopper survey on healthy foods, we asked shoppers about their healthy eating habits, inquiring on everything from what shoppers spend on grocery shopping in a week to their thoughts on nutrition labels to their motivations for eating healthy. Let’s dive in to these 2024 shopper insights!

Nutritional Know-How: Shopper’s Thoughts on Nutrition Labels in 2024

Wondering whether shoppers actually look at those nutritional labels? 21% of shoppers say they always read the nutrition labels when buying packaged foods, while 34% report that they often read nutrition labels.

Shoppers’ confidence in their ability to read nutrition labels ranges, with the majority (35%) reporting they are moderately confident in their abilities. 16% of savvy shoppers said they feel extremely confident in their abilities—we love to see that self-confidence!

Food for Thought: Shopper Insights on Healthy Eating in 2024

When asked whether they eat a balanced diet on a daily basis, 30% of shoppers report that they try to eat as healthy as possible. The majority of respondents say they try to eat a balanced diet daily, but indulge every now and then.

And what about why shoppers choose to eat healthy? Health benefits came in as the most influential factor in respondents’ decision (29%), closely followed by taste preferences (27%). Additionally, 36% of shoppers report that their primary motivation for eating healthy is weight management, with disease prevention coming in second at 28%.

When it comes to barriers to eating healthy, a majority of shoppers at 41% say that high cost is their main limiting factor. 21% reported that they simply have a preference for less healthy options—after all, it’s hard to resist dessert!

Smart Cart Choices: Insights on Shopping for Healthy Foods in 2024

When shopping for healthy foods and ingredients, most shoppers (64%) head to the grocery store to seek out their items, though 15% choose Walmart and 10% head to their local farmer’s market.

Their average spending habits cover a wide range, but 35% of shoppers report that they typically spend between $51-$100 on groceries in a week. The next most popular bracket was $101-$150/week, with 26% of shoppers falling in this range. And a budget-savvy portion of shoppers (16%) manage to keep their weekly spending under $50!

Engage Healthy Shoppers with Breaktime Media

For more insights and tips for engaging shoppers as they practice healthy eating habits, check out the full infographic below!

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