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Employee Spotlight - Caitlin Garrett

Curious to know more about Breaktime Media and our amazing team of talented individuals? Well, now you can! This month, we’re shining our Employee Spotlight on Caitlin Garrett, our EVP of Client Service and Operations.

August 21, 2024

Get to Know Caitlin Garrett

As the EVP of Client Service and Operations, Caitlin leads Breaktime’s client service, promotions, and creative teams, while also managing internal operations.

To learn more about Caitlin, read her interview below!

My favorite part about my role at Breaktime is...

New challenges. At the risk of sounding cliché, every day is different and presents new wins, challenges, and problems to solve. Whether it’s innovating around a new product offering, ideating on ways to improve our processes, or just offering day-to- day support for our clients and internal teams, every day is a new adventure -- and with that comes new learnings. I have learned more during my tenure at Breaktime than I ever could have imagined. For someone who doesn’t do well being bored, being in a role that keeps you on your toes is a great thing.

If I could describe the team in one word, it would be...

Best in class! Ok, I cheated a little bit here, but in all seriousness, the team at Breaktime is a very special one, filled with imaginative, brilliant, hard-working individuals who genuinely care about the work they do, our clients, and each other. It’s a team that strives to always push the limit and is never satisfied with the status quo. I feel humbled and blessed to be able to work alongside such amazing people.

I love working with our clients because...

Of their creativity and amazing ideas. I am always blown away by how imaginative the brands and agencies we work with are and am honored that we get to partner with them in bringing their ideas to life within our platform. Not to mention, our clients are truly just great, fun people. It’s a special thing when you are able to foster not only a working relationship, but also build friendships with those you work with. They really are the best!

On the weekends, you can find me at...

A birthday party or sporting activity for one of my kids. We have 2 boys who are 2 and 5, so our weekends pretty much revolve around their emerging social calendars. When we’re not at a planned activity, we’re usually doing some sort of outdoor activity -- gardening, going for walks, visiting parks... basically something to tire the boys out!

If I had three wishes, they would be...

Well, this is a loaded question! Not to get too heavy, but I think we all wish that there was a bit more semblance of peace and understanding in our world. Things have become so divided and I just wish that my children and future generations have less of that to contend with. On a lighter note, I’m wishing that we have snow this holiday season. We’ve had a lot of snow-less winters in the Northeast and I want my kids to be able to experience the joy of sledding, making a snowman, and coming in for hot chocolate more than once this winter! Lastly, I wish our 2 year old was easier to manage on planes so that we could take him to places that are farther than 3 hours away by air. I want to be able to show our kids the world, and that starts with them being able to tolerate sitting on a plane for more than a couple hours...

The next place on my travel bucket list is...

This is a hard one! I’m going to say Europe -- is that too broad? I’d love to spend an extended amount of time hopping from country to country with my family, exploring the history, visiting the different coasts, and learning new cultures.

I love Breaktime Media because...

We have the best clients you could ever have the pleasure of working with. Their awesomeness makes coming to work every day SO much fun! I truly love being able to execute programs that work, and deliver against our clients KPIs!

Want to learn more about the rest of the team at Breaktime Media? Read more employee spotlights here!